
Weekly podcast with no nonsense tips, tricks, and conversations around networking your way to more friends, more adventures, and way more success!


Weekly podcast with no nonsense tips, tricks, and conversations around networking your way to more friends, more adventures, and way more success!
Are you old enough to remember a world without cell phones or text messaging – where the only phone you had was attached to a wall in your house, most likely in your kitchen, and if you wanted a private conversation you needed to stretch the phone cord all the way into the bathroom and...
A 2013 study conducted by the Clayman Institute for Gender Research at Stanford University Showed that women are keenly aware of the rewards of visibility. They know that being noticed — for example, by interjecting during meetings and taking credit for accomplishments — is a conventional strategy for professional advancement. Still, to this day many...
We know St. Valentine as the Patron Saint of Love, but he was also the patron saint  beekeeping, fainting, and the plague. Doesn’t that just ooze romance? Studies show that there is some serious polarization around valentines day. Almost half of Americans describe Valentine’s Day as “overrated,” yet another 43 percent call it “romantic.” Listen...
Can the time of day affect how creative you are, whether or not you will get a raise when you ask for it, if you will get better treatment in a hospital or score better on tests. Well, the research overwhelmingly says yes, to all those things and many more. Big data studies show that...
The concept of music as a healing influence, one which can affect our health and behavior is at least as old as the writings of Aristotle and Plato and in some cultures, long before that.  Music Therapy, as a 20th century profession formally began after World Wars I and II when community musicians of all...
The first thing we usually say to someone who has suffered a loss is “Let me know if there is anything I can do.” It’s a great sentiment – but it’s almost completely useless because more often than not the person has no idea what they need, they are still in shock and numbed by...
The Golden Girls premiered in 1985. The show revolved around four older single women (three widows and one divorcée) all sharing a house in Miami. The show lasted 7 seasons and I have watched each of the 180 episodes multiple times. The show is genius and dare I say that I learned a lot about...
Has anyone ever said to you, “don’t quit your day job”. This is such a sh!t thing to say, because it implies that if you aren’t proficient at something from the beginning, then you never will be and you should give up trying. One of the biggest mistakes you can make in business is thinking...
10% of people who make new year’s resolutions successfully implement lasting change. The other 90% fail. Why do we try to make resolutions if we know that they don’t work? Listen in to learn the three key factors for making lasting change in our lives.  Drink of the Week: Kir Royale https://cookieandkate.com/kir-royale-recipe/ This episode is...
Our whole lives we’ve been told that the holidays are “the most wonderful time of the year” but have we ever thought about if that is actually true and if it is why?  We tend to be more stressed during the holidays, with numerous events, family obligations, and making sure we get everything done before...