
Weekly podcast with no nonsense tips, tricks, and conversations around networking your way to more friends, more adventures, and way more success!


Weekly podcast with no nonsense tips, tricks, and conversations around networking your way to more friends, more adventures, and way more success!
Few things strike fear into the hearts of women and men as much as the thought of public speaking. There was actually a study that found that public speaking is the #1 fear of the average person, want to know what #2 is death! Jerry Seinfeld talked about this in one of his stand up...
As children we are taught to Never Talk To Strangers. Perhaps this is why as adults we have such a difficult time meeting new people. There is a book of poems by Annalyse Gelman titled “Everyone I Love is a Stranger to Someone.” And I love this sentence, for so many reasons – not the...
Every kid is asked the same question, what do you want to be when you grow up? Like how are we supposed to have any freaking clue what we want to be when we are a kid. Not to mention that half the jobs out there didn’t even exist when I was a kid. For...
Remember the children’s book The Giving Tree. A tree that loved a boy so much that she literally gave all of herself to him. That boy had no boundaries, but neither did the tree. Had she had boundaries that story would have had a much happier ending.  Boundaries are important – they help us avoid...
Drew Davis is the best selling author of The Loyalty Loop, Brandscaping, and Town Inc additionally he has been recognized as one the industries JAW DROPPING MARKETING SPEAKERS!  Listen in as Drew and I discuss how to address your clients crucial concern, how to create drama in your case studies, how to tell better stories,...
Watching the events in the Olympics as a child of the 80’s seemed in a way like an extension of the cold war. We wanted the USA to win and we wanted Russia to lose. The tension between the two nations and their athletes was palpable. Too often in business this is still the case...
I recently attended my first in person conference since the pandemic began. It was a hybrid conference, with 500 people allowed to attend the in person conference and hundreds joining virtually. It took place in Las Vegas. Having just experienced my first in person large gathering, which was wonderful and not so wonderful all at...
There is a concept in social network theory called Triadic Closure, which states that if two people who don’t know each other share a common connection, they will bond more quickly when they meet via this connection. It’s similar to the “friends of my friends are my friends” idea.  Strategic introductions work well if you...
Hey Friends, can you believe it? We’ve been doing this podcast together for a year. This is the first Episode of our second season together on the This Shit Works podcast. It seems only fitting that we take a moment to look back at all we have learned together. Welcome to Episode 53 A look...
You’ve heard the old saying “trust your gut!” referring to certain situations when you should rely on your intuition to make a decision. This is because studies on our gut, more specifically our enteric nervous system or (ENS) for short, which is a complex system of around 100 million nerves often referred to as our...
Book cover for "This Shit Works" by Julie Brown


"This Shit Works"

My new book is now available on both Amazon and Barnes & Noble in Kindle, Nook and Paperback.