Weekly podcast with no nonsense tips, tricks, and conversations around networking your way to more friends, more adventures, and way more success!
Weekly podcast with no nonsense tips, tricks, and conversations around networking your way to more friends, more adventures, and way more success!
The key to building a thriving business isn’t passive waiting; it’s proactive engagement. Listen in to discover how I created a strategy that involved outreach, marketing, networking, and active engagement with potential clients to set myself up to have the best year in my business yet. Drink of the week….Brave Bull 10 Questions to Ask...
Henna Pryor has spent years observing and experiencing awkwardness with a deep curiosity and what she learned is that most of the superstars we respect in the business world have one major thing in common that doesn’t get nearly enough airtime – that the key to thriving is learning to lean into the embarrassing and...
Neurodivergent is a nonmedical term that describes people whose brains develop or work differently for some reason. This means the person has different strengths and struggles from people whose brains develop or work more typically. Because of this, networking situations can be more anxiety inducing and difficult than for neurotypical persons. Listen in to discover...
Big data studies show that there is a two hour window during the day that doctors are more likely to give a fatal dose of anesthesia? In that same two hours students are more likely to bomb on standardized tests and CEO’s are more likely to say something stupid on quarterly earnings calls. These two...
Darren LaCroix, is the only speaker in the world who is an Accredited Speaker, Certified Speaking Professional and a World Champion of Public Speaking. Listen in as Darren discusses how during his journey from chump to champ he discovered a formula that yielded such abundant success, it surprised even himself. Drink of the Week: Rat...
Studies show that most of us believe in Karma – even if we don’t admit it. According to the karmic laws of cause and effect, all of our actions, thoughts and intentions create energy. And if you believe in the laws of thermodynamics energy cannot be destroyed it can only be changed from one form...
What would your life be like if you never missed an opportunity! Listen in to this Holiday Replay where I revisit my conversation with Fred Joyal the author of Super Bold: From Under Confident to Charismatic in 90 Days! Fred Joyal thinks that boldness can be learned, and he’s created a 90 day roadmap based...
The popularity of the true crime genre isn’t a recent phenomenon. In fact, true crime has been captivating audiences for centuries. From the infamous Jack the Ripper cases in the late 1800s to the modern-day Netflix documentaries. Listen in as I talk with True Crime Historical Fiction Author Ryan Winter about our fascination with True...
Across industries, every measure of morale, productivity, performance, customer satisfaction, and employee retention soars when managers regularly provide recognition. Leaders rated in the bottom 10% for providing recognition had employees at the 27th percentile on engagement. By contrast, those leaders rated in the top 10% had employees at the 69th percentile. So – how can...
By definition a rainmaker is an individual who generates an unusually high amount of revenue for an organization by bringing new clients and new business to the company. Listen in as I talk with Matt Dixon, author of a new groundbreaking Harvard Business Review article titled What Rainmakers Do Differently! We break down the 5...