Weekly podcast with no nonsense tips, tricks, and conversations around networking your way to more friends, more adventures, and way more success!
Weekly podcast with no nonsense tips, tricks, and conversations around networking your way to more friends, more adventures, and way more success!
What if we looked at the creative, open-ended conversations that we tend to have in the hallways, starbucks lines and elevators as a metaphor for the kind of conversations we need in the many conferences and networking events we attend every year. Listen in as I talk with author and podcast host Jen Hardy about...
With our daily schedules packed with meetings, deadlines, errands and obligations how can anyone find the time to network? Listen in for my 5 ways to network when you have absolutely no time to network. Click to BUY MY BOOK! CLICK TO DOWNLOAD CHAPTER ONE AUDIO FREE Click to BOOK ME AS A SPEAKER Click...
Meetings are an important part of working and collaborating together but they can also be a huge bore, a timesuck and frankly a waste of time if people aren’t engaged in the meeting, or invested in the people at the table or the outcome. With most executives spending on average 23 hours a week in...
By definition nostalgia is a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations. But nostalgia is also a highly social emotion that helps connect us to other people. Listen in to learn how nostalgia can give us more confidence and help us build better relationships....
A recent study has found that people constantly underestimate how much others appreciate it when someone in their social circle unexpectedly reaches out to them. The study also found that the more surprising the reach out is, meaning the longer it has been between connections, the more people appreciate it. Listen in for further findings...
Trail magic is a term used by hikers along the Appalachian Trail that describes the unforeseen help and support provided by others as you make your hike. Trail magic is given to hikers through transportation, food, and genuine kindness, but it is not done out of expectations for something in return. Though everyone may have...
4,000 weeks. If you live to approximately 80 years old that is the amount of time you get. Somehow looking at it in terms of weeks and not years makes it seem shorter and more precious. Would knowing you only had 4,000 weeks to live cause you to look at life differently and live it...
Each year the summer seems to go by faster and faster. As a kid it was easy to prioritize fun during the summer – it’s what summer was for! As adults we need to learn to prioritize fun as well. Listen in for 7 tips to help you balance your work and life this summer. ...
Do you have a signature email sign off that you use? According to research, email sign offs fit into 5 broad categories each with its own distinct purpose. Listen in to learn what your email sign off might be saying about you. Click to BUY MY BOOK! CLICK TO DOWNLOAD CHAPTER ONE AUDIO FREE Click...
Studies prove that reviews that contain up to three swear words are not only more useful, but make the product look more favorable to consumers. Listen in to learn more about this study and how to write your own sweary reviews. Click to BUY MY BOOK! CLICK TO DOWNLOAD CHAPTER ONE AUDIO FREE Click to...